Here i am, God...
Your weakest servant who have an acid thought and dream, hope as always. You know God, i just wanna say "Thank You" for all your bless. i never stop and bored to feel grateful. Because i know, You're really best creator and also You're very nice to me. Even, i rare to Shalat or praying 5 times a day, but i know You won't leave me...
Please don't leave me God. i'm nothing without You! Sometimes i feel sad, but i have to show to all everybody around me that i'm OK, and sometimes i can't handle it. i can't stand alone here. i'm just a human, and always do the sins. And when i realize there's Your holy name inside my heart, i feel so very calm, and better. Thank You,,,
Dear God, You're The Mighty Knows everything.. Especially what's in my heart. Deepest heart... i'm sure You already know that i really love Rufy. He could make me smile with his simple ways and i feel so comfort everytime he touch my hand. So God, give me a change to loving him, be with him, and care of him until we both getting old. i'll make him happy as much as i can. Lead us God,,, bring him into Your path and Your right way...
So, Thanks for everything, Ya Rabb! i really enjoy every single day and everytime i talk to You...