Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dreamers & Believers

What is in your mind for the first time when you're wake up?
Everybody will answer :
1. What's my breakfast?
2. Where will i go today?
3. Your appointment that you've make from last week
4. With whom i will hang out after hour
5. Shopping in Big Sale after i get my fee...

Then, how with your future plan? is those there in your mind? Especially when the first time you're awake & still relaxing on the bed? So do i, i'm just imperfect person. But i learn to know, what is good for me. Hmmm... i always have a spare time to dream about my future. i want to be bla...bla..bla... i want to have bla..bla...bla... i want this, i want that, much like that. And i believe that one day, i will reach my goal. i can have my dream life as long as it continue to do. Hahhaay!
Let's See...
Sometimes, people run their life without any plan. They just let it flow, let it go, and whatever will be... will be... i agree that it's Fun! i just through the day with what's on my agenda only. But don't you notice, that it'll make your schedule properly irregular? And it's possible to ruin your plan? What's your already stacking is become mess. Oh Geez,,, so bad..
i'm not the person who always sleek, well-organized, and natty. But at least i try my best... i will do the best as long as i'm capable to done. Yay..!!!

HeLLo... How's Your Day...

i'm back...
i'm so sorry for not to post a new things here, though actually i had a tons of topics that i could share with you all. Because (Finally) i was so busy. i did a lot of things. it's all deadline. They can't wait. Geez!!! A Week a go, i've to finished my PKL report. That's not good, mine was never be perfect, so i must revision it for so many time.
And now i was an employee in my new office. Yay!!! Even that my jobdesk isn't too much, but i enjoy it. i love my 'Early Woke Up', feel the air breeze, but not for the traffic. Hahahaa...
So, the point is, be professional in every aspect! Respect yours, then you'll get what you wanna reach in your life. Sometimes, i'm so exhausted! Very...Very.... Tired & Sleepy at all. But then, i felt so grateful with what happen in my life. God had answered my pray. God give me the things that i want it to be, even God still give me a try, but in the other side, i never stop to say ALHAMDULLILAH...
Well, i had a new chapter in my life. i must be more grow up! i have to be more responsible with my life. Everything has its own risk. Just through that! We can never hide....

So, Have a nice day everyone...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Keep Smile, Everyone...

The only way to make people around you feel comfy is just being nice with them...
The good thing comes because you really want it to be
People do mistake, but don't ever let it drown...
Sometimes, life seems so weird, & we couldn't understand what a life wants from us
But then, everything can be happen!
if we seriously try hard to make it come true
And the end of the day...
The important thing in this life is created from a very simple thing, but had a huge mean.
That's keep smile, whatever the conditions are...
And be Happy, even when you're not!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are You Happy?

"The new chapter of happiness is begin"

Well, Setiap orang berhak untuk merasakan bahagia. Betul??? Even cara setiap orang untuk meraih kebahagiaan berbeda-beda. Kita, sebagai perempuan kota yang tentunya juga hidup didaerah perkotaan, dan terbiasa dibanjiri oleh segalam macam fasilitas, dari yang 'biasa-biasa' saja, sampai yang super mewah & canggih. Tentu, sebagai wanita urban, jelas hal itu sudah sangat umum. Sebut saja, tempat hang out 24jam, kedai-kedai kopi, mall-mall besar, acara-acara outdoor, dan club-club yang menyajikan suasana & musik super meriah.
Namun, bagaimana dengan masyarakat lain yang (mungkin) tidak bisa meraih gaya hidup seperti itu? Bukan hal yang mudah untuk bisa masuk kedalam tingkat pergauan yang berada di level tertentu. "Kebahagiaan itu bukan dari banyaknya uang yang kita punya, tapi kepuasan bathin, walaupun dilalui dengan cara yang sederhana"...
Uummm... Saya pernah melihat yaaa, sewaktu malam saya sedang berjalan-jalan dengan pasangan saya. Menyusuri setiap sudut kota Jakarta. ketika saya melewati jembatan di Kebayoran Lama menuju arah Ciledug, mata saya tertuju pada sepasang kekasih yang berada di jembatan itu. Motornya diletakkan di jalanan, dan mereka bercanda-canda dan si perempuan menyenderkan kepalanya di bahu si laki-laki. Si laki-laki mengelus-elus rambut si perempuan, dan sesekali mereka tertawa riang, dan bergandengan tangan.OmayGod... HeLLoooo, itu berada di jembatan Kebayoran Lamaaaa giiituuuu... But Hey, then i immediately turned my thought. Are they happy with that? They looked so enjoying their quality time together. They're so much in Love...
Dan sesaat saya menyadari, bahwa kebahagiaan itu sangat berharga. Tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang, dan sangat bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang sederhana.
So, Just create your own happiness. There's nothing more than feel happy & grateful. Enjoy your time wherever you are. It's impossible to be happy, if you can't appreciate you life, whatever it is... *Smooch*