Wednesday, December 22, 2010

i Love You, Mom..

Happy Mother's Day..
i really love my Parents, especially my Mom. Because she never ever complain when take care of me...
She never let me down.
She's introduced me to GOD for the first time. She let me know who was my creator? Who was my leader in heaven & earth. Whom the compassionate savior..
She always give me advice, to through this life.
She always protect me, even sometimes i feel like she took my freedom
But her aim was just want me to get my best
She always beside me, when i feel empty and lost
She never go away, when everybody's gone
She's so good person, she never pushed me to do something that i don't want to do
But she gimme a choice, to be what i wanna be...
She always hold me tight,
Like there's no tomorrow
Like i'm the only one who really she loves
She always give the best for me
Until She closed her eyes
in her last breathe....
i Love you, Mom...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why i really Love Make Up,,,

The first thing that i'd like to say is... i love color. i love being beautiful. And i love art. 
The palette make up in the counter is so catching my eyes. They're really pretty, and i have a huge passion in make up, think that i will buy those thing. And browsing make up in internet ( plus other people's beauty blogs) is my satisfaction. Blush on, Lipstick, Eye Shadows, Mascaras, Foundation is all i want!


                                            Bobbi Brown

                                    Make Up Forever      

                                        Urban Decay

                                   Too Faced 


                                     Anna Sui

i Love Them all... ^_^
Even though i'm not an expert in that part, i like to put something on my face. And i'm satisfied to see the results.
And i'm crazy with brushes too. Seems like wanna have 'em all, LoL... The perfect make up start with the perfect brush. it's essential. Good brushes are "The Must Have Item" for the beauty junkie like me.. Hahahhaa ^_^
Maybe i'm gonna give you the review of products i've used. And i think i will make a beauty blog, and share what i can show you about that.

Friday, December 3, 2010

All That i Really Want...

Semakin hari, semakin ada perubahan dan semakin bertambah juga usia saya.
Dimana kadang kala kita merasa jenuh dan stuck dengan apa yang sudah kita kerjakan dalam kesehariannya. Namun, dunia ini dinamis dan penuh warna. Asalkan kita tahu bagaimana caranya hidup & menikmati. What do you want to complement your life?
People's need is different. Depend on our financial & daily needs. But over all, hampir garis merahnya sama... Makan, kesehatan, rasa nyaman & aman, dan merasa bahagia. Kita harus bisa menciptakannya dengan rasa syukur dan selalu berusaha.
Saya sendiri ingin mencapai sebuah target dalam hidup saya. Saya harus bisa mendapatkannya, dan membuat hidup saya lebih baik lagi. Enjoy your life and make it simple untuk merasakan bahwa kita benar-benar beruntung dan sangat menghargai hidup ini. Setiap detik yang kita lalui, it's happen because there's a reason behind it all. There's no coincidence in this life.
Well people, have a nice Friday!!! Spread the love. Then you can see what it'll bring back at you ^_^

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a Girls Wants...


*Diamond! for Exactly... hehehhehe...

But, there's other cute things yang bisa bikin cewe2 diseluruh dunia teriak, "AAAAaaaaaa...", dan sukses membuat cewe2 hilang kesadaran dalam sekejap. Well, Apa ituuuuu?

- Sale...Sale...Sale! Yup, discount (apalagi yang gila2an) mampu buat cewe2 kalap nggak karuan. Barang2 lucu nan keren yang terpampang di etalase bener2 menggiurkan. Apalagi ditambah bandrol "50%", " Buy one get one free ", atau " 70% on 2nd item " hehehe...

- Salon & Spa. Bayangin, seharian kena macet, ujian dapet nilai C, gebetan nggak kunjung nge-respon, brantem sama pacar, duh... Tapi, abis itu Qta 'melarikan diri' ke tempat yang cozy-nya ampun2an itu. Dipijat, creambath, mani-pedi, lulur+scrub, facial, hot stone massage, WUIH! Rasanya semua penat dan bete seharian tadi terbayarkan sudah.

- Travelling. Bali, Jogja, Belitung, Padang, Pulau Umang, Solo, Manado, Puncak, sampai ke luar negeri emang hal yang paling menyenangkan. mendatangi tempat2 bersejarah, pusat perbelanjaan paling hip, tempat jajanan ueenaaakkk (tapi murah meriah!), atau penginapan yang luar biasa nyaman udah dapat dipastiin kalo itu (satu2nya) cara untuk 'kabur' dari kenyataan. Hehehhe...Apalagi, kalau sukses flirting sama cowo oke didaerah setempat. Wow, pulang dengan hati senang, barang2 lucu baru, pikiran fresh, pengalaman asyik plus kecengan baru. Perfect!

- Make Up & Skin care. Eyeliner hitam ala smokey eyes..check! blush on pink...check! mineral
foundation..check! Lipstick nude..check! Lipgloss super glossy..check! Eyeshadow multi warna..check! Parfume keluaran terbaru..check! Hair serum..check! Huuuuaaaahhh... produk2 canggih yang bisa menyulap Qta jadi cewe paling cantik sedunia. Paling enak berburu kosmetik dengan Girlfriend yang asiiiikkk...wah, seruuuu!!!

- Arisan! Nge-gossip. ngerumpi, hahahihi, ngumpul-ngumpul, rame-rame sambil ngocok arisan emang Girl thing yang udah turun temurun dari nenek, nyokap sampe tante Qta yang super stylish itu. apalagi kalo pas Qta yang menang, wuiiiihhh...langsung cabut ke butik paling up to date se-jagad raya. hohoho...

- Foto2. Mulai dari photobox (jaman dulu bgt,hihhi...), Foto section di kota tua, foto2 dengan gaya yang super oke, bahkan Foto2 pake HP adalah hal wajib bagi cewe kalo udah ngumpul (sendirian juga asik kok!). Ibarat kata pepatah lama, " Perempuan nggak jauh-jauh dari kaca & baju bagus " ternyata emang bener. Sebutan 'banci kamera' pasti udah jadi hal biasa buat Qta. Nggak peduli omongan orang lain yang pentiiiiingg... Jeprreeeetttt!

- Fashion magazine. merupakan 'kitab' yang wajib dibaca bagi cewe2 fashionista. Liat2 fashion item terbaru, style selebriti dunia (Huaaa...kate moss still on top), artikel keren, Tips2 mujarab, emang perlu untuk meng-up date lifestyle Qta sebagai cewe metropolis. So, next week udah pasti temen2 bilang," Beli dimana scarf leopard looo?? keeereeennn buanggeettttt! " hehehe...

- Shoes. Stilletos, flat shoes, ballet shoes, wedges, pump shoes, oxford shoes, gladiator, ankle boots, atau keds pasti udah jadi 'senjata andalan' bagi kaum cewe. outfit yang biasa bisa disulap jadi langsung luar biasa. Konon katanya, sepatu yang oke bisa buat mood cewe bagus seketika. Ibaratnya, Qta bisa bilang kalo Sarah Jessica Parker adalah cewe paling beruntung sedunia karena punya jutaan pasang Manolo Blahnik. hehehe.. Ngiiirriiii...

At least but not last...

- Fall in love with a right guy! Punya cowo baik hati, smart, cute, seruuu, perhatian, emang hal yang paling sukses bikin cewe berasa terbang ke langit ke7. Apalagi kalo cowo itu cinta mati sama Qta. WOW! Rasanya nggak ada yang ngalahin. Old man said," Fall in love is the greatest thing happen in the world...ever! Because Love is the Number one of painkiller. Love could make all the girls feel beautiful, meaningful, and complete..." Hmm, gmana? setuju?

Love never lost, cos love has its own way to go... No matter how far it is..."

Apa sih yang ada di benak kalian kalo denger kata "Cinta"? Hmm...
-ingin memiliki
-rasa kasihan (mungkin)
-sakit hati
Cinta tuh hanya sebuah perasaan. Dari dalam hati, karena ada suatu chemistry dengan seseorang. Tanpa syarat, tanpa pamrih, tanpa perhitungan apapun! Saat kita merasakan cinta datang dalam hidup kita, semua terasa fatamorgana. YUP! Apapun nggak bisa diliat secara logika, seolah semuanya sempurna. Padahal, ada beberapa yang sedikit 'nggak enak' kalo kita bicara soal cinta... Bayangkan:
-orang ketiga
-beda argumentasi
-beda prinsip
Itu semua juga esensi yang ada di dalam cinta. Sesuatu yang nggak fair, namun nyata. Lantas, gimana dengan dengan nasib orang2 yang ngalaminnya? Apa iya mereka masih berpikir bahwa cinta itu indah.

Hmm...Love is just what you need, what you feel, and what you get. So if you're falling in love right now, just enjoy it! Don't ever give a damn about everything. Though love is also full of risk, but just let it go! Coz love was created with all of happiness. With passion. With hope. With dreams...

What is Marriage Actually?

" Selamat menempuh hidup baru! "
" Wah...enak ya udah married! "
" Aduuuuhhh...umur segini blom juga dilamar! "
" Pokoknya umur 25 gw harus kawin..."
" Ntar gw pengen punya suami yg bla..bla..bla.. punya anak bla..bla.. Punya rumah bla..bla.."

Oke! Menikah...
Untuk sebagian orang, perkawinan adalah satu2nya cara untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Seperti di Agama juga dibilang, bahwa menikah adalah salah satu cara beribadah & hukumnya wajib. Hmm... kalau emang begitu, kok masih aja ada perceraian, gono-gini, bla..bla..bla....
Menurut pengalaman orang2 disekitar gw, mereka banyak yang 'kejedot' sama pernikahan mereka. Ada yang hampir cerai, sampe gantung aja gitu tanpa kepastian apa2. Apa iya masalah pernikahan itu sesepele itu? Dengan gampangnya berpaling & menyia2kan kesucian dari pernikahan itu sendiri.
Simple ya?! Sesuatu hal yang semestinya sakral, disaksikan Tuhan, & suci, pokoknya Luar biasa banget deh, tapi kok kayaknya jaman sekarang Marriage itu kesannya 'bisa dibeli' ya? Orang dengan gampangnya mengikat janji, lalu membuyarkannya hanya karena...Emosi!
Dimana nilai agung sebuah pernikahan? Dimana kebahagiaan setelah menikah? Oke-lah, menikah atau nggak itu sebuah pilihan seorang manusia dewasa. Tapi, disini kita harus bisa mengukur kualitas diri sendiri. Dalam artian, kalo emang dari sono-nya nggak bisa setia ( Tukang selingkuh, bosenan, gatelan, dll ), yaaa jangan ambil resiko untuk menikah.Daripada nantinya ada KDRT, atau tekanan bathin, atau malah perselingkuhan. Oke, people changes! Nah, kalo mau berubah yaa berubah dong! Jangan tiba2 penyakit lama kambuh lagi. Ini adalah masalah pernikahan! Bukan sekedar pacaran....
Sekarang soal perceraian. Tau nggak sih artinya cerai tuh apa? Mengajukan cerai-pengadilan-sidang-baru deh cerai...
Jujur gw bingung, katanya orang jaman sekarang tuh pinter, tapi kok masih nggak ngerti juga dengan hal2 simple kayak gitu? Apa mereka yang terlalu cuek & menganggap pernikahan mereka itu nggak penting? Ada aja yang masih ngelakuin hal ini : Berantem hebat-pisah ranjang/pisah rumah-ngaku2 udah cerai-menjalin hubungan lagi dengan orang baru... it called divorced anyway? Secara hukum aja masih suami-istri, apalagi dimata agama. Kok bisa2nya ya berpikiran & ngalakuin hal kayak gitu? Stupid...
Mereka menganggap apa? Sepele... Pathetic-nyaaaaa...
So, what is marraige trully means? Jawabannya relatif, tapi yang pasti menikah itu ibadah. Menikah itu komitmen. Menikah itu untuk memiliki keturunan yang berkualitas. Menikah itu menjalankan rukun Islam. Menikah itu Cinta. Menikah itu pilihan beserta konsekuensi-nya...
Sebagai manusia intelek & berkualitas, mestinya bisa lebih concern akan pernikahannya. Just because, it supposed to be once in a lifetime..Marriage isn't a joke! So, make the marriage itself become a bridge to the Happiness...

Persepsi itu relatif

Kalau bicara soal benar dan salah, itu tidak bisa diukur hanya dengan satu argumen saja. Sekarang ini yang saya amati, benar dan salah itu sangat relatif. Orang dengan mudahnya membenarkan yang salah, dan yang salah-pun dengan alasan-alasan dan faktor lain juga dapat menjadi benar. Manusia memandang segala sesuatunya itu bisa dilihat dari berbagai macam sisi dan berbagai macam hal. Asumsi-asumsi orang bisa jadi satu bahan perdebatan hebat sepanjang malam dan menciptakan satu keriuhan yang amat mendalam. Padahal, kalau ingin menilik hati kecil ( yang semua orang juga tahu bahwa itu jujur ), apa iya benar-salah itu masih bersifat relatif?
Mengapa, ada istilah
" Tak kenal maka tak sayang? " dan kata-kata " first impression? " Lalu apa hubungannya dengan persepsi? Well, sebagian manusia normal ( dalam artian yang baik-baik saja, bukan orang jahat/usil, Tukang gossip, dsb ) biasanya mereka akan menilai kita 75% dari penampilannya terlebih dahulu. Bagaimana gesture-nya, ekspresi mukanya, gaya pakaiannya, dll. 5-10 menit pertama, kita bisa melihat topik yang ia bawakan. 30-1 jam kedepan kita dapat larut dalam pembicaraan yang dibawanya. Sebulan-setahun berikutnya, kita dapat mengerti dia itu seperti apa. Tapi, untuk benar-benar memahaminya, bukan tidak mungkin kita membutuhkan waktu lebih dari tiga tahun untuk mengenal seseorang. It'd really takes time to know peoples cause like we knew, peoples are very complicated. Soul are very abstract, and we never know what's on their mind.
Kita bisa menilai seseorang dan memiliki persepsi tentangnya dikarenakan oleh apa sih? Pastinya karena apa yang orang itu persentasikan ke kita & realita yang ada di balik kehidupannya kan? Baik atau buruknya, itu semua tergantung bagaimana mereka bisa menyuguhkan sesuatu yang pas. Tidak lebih, tapi juga tidak kurang. Maka dari itu, norma-norma yang dewasa ini terlalu sering di abaikan & disepelekan sebenarnya sangat penting, karena, itu menyangkut kepada moralitas seseorang yang berkaitan dengan perilakunya masing-masing.
Sementara itu, moralitas bisa didapat dari mana? Apa hanya karena doktrin orang tua sejak kita kecil dan ajaran guru agama di SD? Kalau menurut saya, itu bisa didapat dari bagaimana kita ingin menghargai diri kita sendiri. Yang akan membawa kita ke level yang lebih baik dan memiliki satu esensi sebagai manusia biasa. Dan apabila orang lain pada akhirnya dapat melihat dan menilai kita, sesungguhnya itu merupakan acuan yang dapat kita gunakan sebagai motivator untuk mengubah apa yang buruk pada kita & memperbaiki segalanya. Just because, hanya orang yang sangat hebat dan luar biasa-lah yang bisa bercermin pada diri sendiri.
Kenapa manusia terlalu terbiasa untuk menoleransi & membenarkan apa yang salah? Sejujurnya mereka tahu bahwa itu melenceng jauh dan mungkin sampai mengorbankan harga diri? Jawabannya hanya pada anda, dan ini berbalik pada kualitas manusia sebagai manusia utuh yang diciptakan Tuhan semestinya. Well, persepsi memang relatif. Dan bagi sebagian orang, mungkin tinggal di negara demokrasi tidak begitu enak, karena adanya kebebasan bicara & berpendapat.
So, bagaimana dengan kalimat,
" Bodo amat dengan omongan orang! toh mereka nggak ngasih gw makan..."
Hanya manusia tak berpikir yang tidak mau mendengar sesuatu yang baik tentang dirinya. Realita itu pahit, dan saya juga sadar bahwa tak ada yang lebih kejam dari sebuah penilaian.

i just wanna say...

Everytime i realize that this is empty for so long..
i've lost the key & i've lost the blanket.
So i slept alone in that dark night..
Without someone that could bring me into the light..
i'm just a girl whom always waiting for that time,
nowhere to run, keep thinking, keep breathing..
i'm with you. It doesn't matter.
My tears get dry & i'm still hoping...
for oneday,
you'll come to me and say
" i miss you "

This is the Real life...

Sometimes, people dream to be a dreamers. Sometimes, people believe they can be a believers. And sometimes, some people say that they're just asleep.
But Hey...
Don't you think that this is 100% real life. For me, this is very fun to do. Even if i must wake up at 6.30 AM, and all my family member are still sleeping, i have to get stuck in traffic, i have to crammed in a bus every morning, i have to sitting on my desk with no task (Sometimes) and waiting for the end of office hour... And the worst thing, i have to go to Campus at 19.00 PM just for studying or revision. Geez... Sometimes i did bored!
But then i realize that it means, i'm still alive. That's so human being ^_^ Nothing can change it! We're older people & have so many responsibility to our life. Even when there are times that we need a refreshing or just hanging out with friends. But i choose to have a Quality time with my Love. Teeeehheeee...
And i believe that oneday, me & my lovely will be together in happiness & successful. Nothing can happen instantly. Everything need a process & patience, So, keep working & do the best... Have a Nice day!!! Yayyyy...

Haiii Everyone ^_^

i've been through this & last week with a kind of emotional i had. There's so many story and i will share with you a bit.
it came from my environmental friendship. i met a sort of hypocrite people. Some of them are my close friend ( Maybe i won't say "BestFriend" to them.. LoL) they're all two face, especially the girls. i think they don't know the ethic in association. They're back stabbing for each other, gossiping, or trying to ruin my relationship by way of revealing ugliness of my boyfriend. Oh Geez!! i think i never tell the detail here, but the point is they're not a good friend for me.
With the condition around me. No, it's not about my Family or My Lovelyone or My friends (Again!). It's all about the problem of my country which is there's still no solution, and it has been a protracted. People can get mad, and their psychological will be drop. The government never think about it! They don't care... at all... The important is, how to win the project, how to win the top notch, how to nudge here and there and so on ...Bleh!!!
That's a problem inside a problem. No one know how to solve that thing. Only God and God's miracle who can open their mind & heart... i wish!
So, when we're still breathing, we never escape from the problems. Everybody make mistake. We can never hide. But, it depend on how we face it, through it & handle it. As long as it's not deviate from norms and humanitarian, we can do what we consider correct...
God never sleep. God knows what's your saying in your heart. Remember, we can never hide from mistake. Don't be afraid, but don't forget to recant... 

Catalyzed is just a Crap...

Hidup itu sebuah konsep. Hidup itu merupakan pola. Hidup itu memiliki konteks yang berbeda. Hidup itu mencari yang terbaik. Hidup itu menuju yang lebih baik.
Manusia itu selalu berlari, mencari arah tujuan yang pasti. Baik dalam hidupnya, perasaan, maupun pikiran. Semua orang pasti punya sifat baik & sifat buruk ( Yaiyalaahhh..kalo kata pepatah lama "Nobody's perfect" ), dan setiap orang juga punya cara yang beda2 dalam menyikapi dan jalanin sifatnya masing2. Ada yang lemah lembut, loyal, sederhana, pemarah, judes, galak, pelit, dll deh. Semua itu terjadi karena beberapa faktor :
-Latar belakang
-Gen dari orang tua
-Pengaruh Astrologi (bagi yang percaya)
-Bawaan dari lahir
Dan lain2...
Nah sekarang permasalahannya, gimana kita mau ngadepin diri kita sendiri? Apa kita udah cukup puas dengan sifat kita itu secara keseluruhan? Pasti kalo sifat jelek, nggak mau dong itu trus ada dalam diri kita. Tapi untuk merubahnya kayaknya susah buangeeetttt! Contoh nyatanya, gw pernah ketemu orang yang juteknya ampun2nan. Dia selalu melihat kehidupan dari sisi yang sulit. Nada bicara selau 'nge-gas' dan kenceng seolah pengen ngajakin berantem. Raut muka sering terlihat nggak enak, dengan alasan PMS (Sooo Ridiculous!) dan itu menyebabkan sekeliling jadi butek, rusuh, panas...
Apa iya orang macam itu nggak berpikir, bahwa life's beautiful to wasted away! There's so much fun in this life for us. Without our bully face & bad habit. Without anything that could make people around us will fed up! Orang2 semacam itu belum ngerti apa itu hidup? Belum ngerti bagaimana cara untuk hidup? Dan apa yang harus disyukuri dari hidup...
Sayang lagi, wajah cantik kita harus dihiasi dengan ekspresi macam itu. Oke-lah kita sedang ada masalah berat, yang mengharuskan kita cemberut. Tapi coba deh pikir lagi, apa iya orang lain (NB: yang bukan sahabat atau keluarga) mau tahu tentang apa yang sedang menimpa kita? Bodo amat deh kita lagi kenapa, yang jelas apa yang udah kita presentasikan ke orang lain itu adalah tampang jutek kita (yang sangat nggak ngenakin itu!). Well, kalo udah begitu, rugi banget deh kita.
Apalagi kalau sifat jelek itu udah sangat mendarah daging bertahun2 & susah untuk dirubah. Apa iya kita mau dimaklumi orang (karena udah bener2 males gaul sama kita yang judesnya minta ampun) CUMA gara2 kita adalah miss Jutek yang nggak mau instropeksi diri ( Yaiyalah, dikritik aja malah bales marah! )? Pathetic Qan? Sementara dilain sisi, kita hanya jadi bahan gunjingan orang2. Dan akhirnya, nggak ada yang mau interaksi sama orang yang ngeselin kayak gitu. Daripada nggak ada angin nggak ada ujan malah kena semprot. Hmm...So bad, right!
Hehehe, padahal, apa sih yang nggak mungkin di dunia ini? Selama nafas itu gratis, semua hal bisa jadi mungkin. Walaupun itu kemungkinan kecil sekalipun.

What we need VS What we want

Imagine This...
Kita punya karier yang cemerlang. Pekerjaan kita benar-benar sehati dan sangat memuaskan. Kita berada di puncak keberhasilan. Teman-teman yang menyenangkan, Pasangan yang sangat mencintai kita, keluarga yang selalu mendukung, dan rekan kerja yang kooperatif. Wow, dunia serasa sangat memihak kepada kita. Dunia seolah sangat bersahabat dengan kita. Dan kita-pun akan sangat bahagia.
Namun, bagaimana kita (akhirnya) bisa membedakan antara "Kebutuhan hidup" dengan "Gaya hidup" (yang tentunya akan terlihat sangat konsumtif sekali) kita?
Biasanya, kebutuhan hidup mencakup kebutuhan primer & sekunder. Dan gaya hidup itu adalah kebutuhan tersier. Tapi bagi sebagian orang (sukses), kebutuhan tersier sudah bukan sebagai pelengkap saja, namun sudah setara dengan kebutuhan utama kita.
Saya sendiri termasuk orang yang sangat konsumtif sekali ( apalagi kalau melihat sederetan palet make up dari brand favorite.. LOL), dan sangat menyukai 'membawa tentengan' daripada hanya sekedar window shopping.
Tapi suatu ketika, saya sempat berbicara mengenai hal ini dengan seorang teman. Ada satu kata yang dia ucapkan pada saya dan sempat membuat saya merenung sejenak...
"Cat, elo harus bisa pinter dengan pola hidup lo. Mana yang emang elo butuhin, dan mana yang cuma untuk menyenangkan hawa nafsu lo aja. Lo juga pasti banyak kebutuhan kan? Nah, lo harus bisa menempatkan keuangan lo itu dengan tepat..." Hmmm.... Sesaat saya langsung membayangkan seluruh koleksi brush saya, belasan lipstick favorit, Pre-Order make up yang belum sampai di tangan saya, baju-baju, dll.
i think that frugality will never be wrong.. In this life, we must be really clever in arranging everything. because we do not live only for this week only. still there next month, two months, five months, even years ahead..
Except when we were a Paris Hilton. Hahahhahahaa... ^_^

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

if you want it,,, Go for it,,,,

If you're feel unhappy, disappoint, angry, sad, or hatred...
Don't ever forget that the sun still shone bright for you. Just for you...
Erase your tears, and let's say "HI" to the world. Then see, what's the world bring back at you?
i've been through the things that made me feel like " Okay, the world hates me. All allied to hate me, i'm alone here and no one care " Geez,,, should i think about something that i don't even know?
Don't ever think if you're not special. Just wear your favorite dress, your pretty shoes, your perfect bag, your best make up, Then Go... Find your best place to feel how beautiful and how meaningful you are...

Just Do! Now or Not

HeLLooo people,,, HeLLo World,,,
i really feel a little relieved ketika saya berani untuk mengambil keputusan, yang sudah lama mengganggu pikiran dan kata hati saya. Memang, pada awalnya butuh keberanian dan sharing dengan banyak orang. i think we deserve a better life. Like i always said, " The Happiness was created in our own hand... "
Tidak ada yang bisa menyangka apa yang akan terjadi dengan hidup kita satu jam kedepan. Apalagi lima atau sepuluh tahun kedepan. As an ordinary people, kita hanya bisa berdoa dan terus berusaha. Well, its sound so common but that's true. Kadang kala, saya sedikit tidak percaya dengan 'kata-kata mutiara', atau 'kata-kata bijak' atau 'kata pepatah' or something, tapi saat saya sedang mengalami sesuatu yang kurang baik, dan saya sedang butuh motivasi untuk hidup saya, kata-kata itu ada benarnya juga dan cukup membantu. LOL!
But one thing that i wanna tell ya... Believe in yourself. Whatever the conditions are, just convince yourself that YOU CAN DO IT!!! Trust me, it'll work... Sometimes, we have to get the bad thing first, Then, when we get the good things we can really appreciate it. And never going to waste..

Friday, November 26, 2010

7 Things Tag

7 Things that i really like:
- Eating
- Swimming, sun bathing, self tanning
- Shopping for shoes, bag, clothes...
- Make Up. i heart lipstick a lot, blush on, mascara, foundie...
- Go to Salon and pampering myself
- Blogging or Blog walking
- Hang out with besties

7 Things that i hate the most:
- Waiting... Errrr
- Hypocrite people
- Have no idea or stuck
- People who really talk active and over acting
- Spoiled & flirty girl
- Uninspired... flat
- Gossip! blah...

7 Things that make me feel comfort:
- Be hug by my Rufy
- Cry on my Bestfriend's shoulder
- Dvd-ing with my Rufy & besties in sofa
- Have a cup of coffee in the middle of the rain
- Get a body massage
- Stay in super duper cozy bed with a touch of good lighting
- Eat a good food

7 Things that on my wishlist:
- NARS blush on in Torrid
- Urban decay de-slick oil control make up setting spray
- Urban Decay complexion primer potion - Perfecting pore
- Sigma beauty or POSH brushes sets
- Too face sets "The bronze and the beautiful"
-  Macbook Pro 15"
- A perfect House... LOL!

7 Things that i always use and favorite:
- Big Tote Bag
- Washed jegging
- Sneakers
- Messy hair
- Perfume...
- Black Short pants
- Loose tees and Loose singlet

Well, have a nice day everyone... 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Friday,,,

i'm sitting in front of my computer (and now i'm in my office)... This is Friday, and Friday is my favorite day of the week. Because it means, The weekend is coming, yay!!
And i'm so sorry if i'm not post something on my blog for a month. because i'm so busy and don't have a time to blogging.Plus, i had no inspiration tho'.. Hahhaahhaa....
Well, i just wanna say, that i'm so grateful with everything has happen to me. Even it's not a good thing, but i can't stop say " Thank You God for Your bless, and keep me stay alive..."
Well, have a nice day people...

Don't forget to follow my Twitter :

" No God No peace,, Know God Know peace..."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Psychadelic mind. Acid

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become..." -Buddhist Quote-

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

it's Wednesday ^_^

"If I know what love is, it is because of you..." Hermann Hesse

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dreamers & Believers

What is in your mind for the first time when you're wake up?
Everybody will answer :
1. What's my breakfast?
2. Where will i go today?
3. Your appointment that you've make from last week
4. With whom i will hang out after hour
5. Shopping in Big Sale after i get my fee...

Then, how with your future plan? is those there in your mind? Especially when the first time you're awake & still relaxing on the bed? So do i, i'm just imperfect person. But i learn to know, what is good for me. Hmmm... i always have a spare time to dream about my future. i want to be bla...bla..bla... i want to have bla..bla...bla... i want this, i want that, much like that. And i believe that one day, i will reach my goal. i can have my dream life as long as it continue to do. Hahhaay!
Let's See...
Sometimes, people run their life without any plan. They just let it flow, let it go, and whatever will be... will be... i agree that it's Fun! i just through the day with what's on my agenda only. But don't you notice, that it'll make your schedule properly irregular? And it's possible to ruin your plan? What's your already stacking is become mess. Oh Geez,,, so bad..
i'm not the person who always sleek, well-organized, and natty. But at least i try my best... i will do the best as long as i'm capable to done. Yay..!!!

HeLLo... How's Your Day...

i'm back...
i'm so sorry for not to post a new things here, though actually i had a tons of topics that i could share with you all. Because (Finally) i was so busy. i did a lot of things. it's all deadline. They can't wait. Geez!!! A Week a go, i've to finished my PKL report. That's not good, mine was never be perfect, so i must revision it for so many time.
And now i was an employee in my new office. Yay!!! Even that my jobdesk isn't too much, but i enjoy it. i love my 'Early Woke Up', feel the air breeze, but not for the traffic. Hahahaa...
So, the point is, be professional in every aspect! Respect yours, then you'll get what you wanna reach in your life. Sometimes, i'm so exhausted! Very...Very.... Tired & Sleepy at all. But then, i felt so grateful with what happen in my life. God had answered my pray. God give me the things that i want it to be, even God still give me a try, but in the other side, i never stop to say ALHAMDULLILAH...
Well, i had a new chapter in my life. i must be more grow up! i have to be more responsible with my life. Everything has its own risk. Just through that! We can never hide....

So, Have a nice day everyone...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Keep Smile, Everyone...

The only way to make people around you feel comfy is just being nice with them...
The good thing comes because you really want it to be
People do mistake, but don't ever let it drown...
Sometimes, life seems so weird, & we couldn't understand what a life wants from us
But then, everything can be happen!
if we seriously try hard to make it come true
And the end of the day...
The important thing in this life is created from a very simple thing, but had a huge mean.
That's keep smile, whatever the conditions are...
And be Happy, even when you're not!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are You Happy?

"The new chapter of happiness is begin"

Well, Setiap orang berhak untuk merasakan bahagia. Betul??? Even cara setiap orang untuk meraih kebahagiaan berbeda-beda. Kita, sebagai perempuan kota yang tentunya juga hidup didaerah perkotaan, dan terbiasa dibanjiri oleh segalam macam fasilitas, dari yang 'biasa-biasa' saja, sampai yang super mewah & canggih. Tentu, sebagai wanita urban, jelas hal itu sudah sangat umum. Sebut saja, tempat hang out 24jam, kedai-kedai kopi, mall-mall besar, acara-acara outdoor, dan club-club yang menyajikan suasana & musik super meriah.
Namun, bagaimana dengan masyarakat lain yang (mungkin) tidak bisa meraih gaya hidup seperti itu? Bukan hal yang mudah untuk bisa masuk kedalam tingkat pergauan yang berada di level tertentu. "Kebahagiaan itu bukan dari banyaknya uang yang kita punya, tapi kepuasan bathin, walaupun dilalui dengan cara yang sederhana"...
Uummm... Saya pernah melihat yaaa, sewaktu malam saya sedang berjalan-jalan dengan pasangan saya. Menyusuri setiap sudut kota Jakarta. ketika saya melewati jembatan di Kebayoran Lama menuju arah Ciledug, mata saya tertuju pada sepasang kekasih yang berada di jembatan itu. Motornya diletakkan di jalanan, dan mereka bercanda-canda dan si perempuan menyenderkan kepalanya di bahu si laki-laki. Si laki-laki mengelus-elus rambut si perempuan, dan sesekali mereka tertawa riang, dan bergandengan tangan.OmayGod... HeLLoooo, itu berada di jembatan Kebayoran Lamaaaa giiituuuu... But Hey, then i immediately turned my thought. Are they happy with that? They looked so enjoying their quality time together. They're so much in Love...
Dan sesaat saya menyadari, bahwa kebahagiaan itu sangat berharga. Tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang, dan sangat bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang sederhana.
So, Just create your own happiness. There's nothing more than feel happy & grateful. Enjoy your time wherever you are. It's impossible to be happy, if you can't appreciate you life, whatever it is... *Smooch*

Monday, May 31, 2010

Social Networking Alerts!

Facebook. Twitter. Plurk. Myspace. Foursquare. Koprol. Friendster. 

Whatever you mention... i thought that nowadays, everything goes so simple, quick, and easy. People live in this modern era is really need something could support their daily needs. Beside they do their daily routine, they also need refreshing and spent a time with friends. Exactly! But sometimes, they don't have so much time to make an appointment to meet in coffee shop, mall, or even just hang out in apartment or house.
So, That's what the role of social networking. People can meet a lovely friend as easy as clap our finger. We don't need a time to meet, but we can chat & share all day long. Plus, if we had have a gorgeous gadget like Blackberry or iPhone --> it both automatically make our life easier. ( it even happened to me... LoL) hahaha... it'll be more effective & easy & also fun.We don't have to bother if we want to do some socialization with others. Just Sign Up. Login. And TaaaDaaaaa,,, Whatever we find is available in the internet.
But Hey...
Don't you ever think that we need something real? Can you imagine, that hang out with girlfriend in the mall, or sharing by face to face in girl's room, or get a jogging or go to gym together is so much fun? We can see our besties' face when we tell a good news. Or we can hug them warmly when they broke up with their boyfriend. That's so beautiful to have... Sometimes, technology can make us blind. They're control our life as if we don't have heart & feeling. Sigh...
But, behind it all, it's depend on us. Don't blame the technology. We must accept, that we need it. So, use it wisely! Just enjoy your time with your laptop, Blackberry, iPad, iPod touch & iPhone, etc...
 But don't forget to make a time with friends or boyfriend in weekend. Trust me, it all really works... Yay!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

it's Tuesday

Haaaiiii guys...
what are you all doing right now? The weather is too hot and i think it's good to stay at my Mom's room and sitting in front of my Bro's computer. LoL...

i just wanna say, Enjoy your day whatever the condition are... Because when we can feel grateful, we will get or at least feel the good things. So Do i, i realize that there's so many undone in my wish list. But Hey, everything is need a process, right? if i'm saying about the process, i remembered the time when i was talking with my friend, Liga, in my friend's place last night.
He was talking about what's on his mind. Okay, i'd tell you first that he's so smart. He knows everything! From history, cultured, ideology, music genres, and religion view. He had a lot of idea, concept, and the good topics that he can write. And every article that he wrote is so important & good to read. He can explored what he saw, he heard, and he got. He had a very good point of view, especially about the working class & the community
( i can't tell here what's kind of the community are. Because it's not for expose here... sorry )
But he's just lacking of the facilities. There's so many things in his mind, he wants to explore, but he doesn't know how to run it. There's one problem that he faces, & that's so crucial, important, and never can be compromise. And one more time, i can't tell here about his main problem...Sorry!
He said, " My head is full of idea, & topics to write. Until i don't know what must i do. i'm stuck. Because i don't have something to can support it. i swear, this year i must have computer! i don't care what will happen, but i must! i can't just remain silent like this! i have to make an article as soon as possible..." 
" Just because i don't have the facility, because of my financial matters, so i must be patient. Everything needs a process. i know it'll take a time, but at the end, if the process are give the results, that is the award for me... "
So, i've got a new things. Something that i can learn, how to use my ability, plus when i have the facilities like laptop, brain ( he had a more brilliant brain than me.. LoL ), and money. Don't ever wasted your time & your skill. We can do anything, create anything, and do something big if we want it. Use what you have wisely. There's so many awesome & smart & brilliant & gorgeous peoples out there. But they don't have a enough facility for support it.
One more time, Thankful for what you have in your life... That's precious!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Dear God,
When i review about what happen & what i've got today, i have a tons of grateful. Because You're not only give me a beautiful things. You give me the color of  life. You teach me how to see a life in variety of viewpoints. You teach me how to live. You lead me to my goals. You teach me how to fly. When i'm happy then turn to bad or sad just in one sec, and its seems like everything has ruined. But in the other side, its all normal. And so human being...

Dear God,
i think You're a such a great creator. You organized people's life so well. You made an unpredictable plans & nobody can guess. everything so unexpected. But as a human, i always complain when everything is out of my expectation. i can mad, i can be upset, i can feel disappointed, and start to excite my anger. i know it's wrong, but i can't win my ego.

Dear God,
Please guide me to Your way. The right path where Your bless is exist. i don't wanna be a deserter. i have a lot of sins, And that's enough for me to not add more sin. Am i wrong, if sometimes i think that You deserve an imperfect life to me? And i'm not Thankful for that... And i can't make those imperfect life perfectly. Ooohhh Geez, i know i'm totally wrong. And i need Your apologize. i don't mean to do that.

Dear God,
Thank You...
And as always, i really enjoy to talking to You...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hey Hoo...

I'm Back!
After i was so busy with my daily routine, struggled with my days, and prepare for my  future. Oh Whaaaattt, really? Geez.. seems like i'm a carrier woman or celebrity or even president. Waakakkaka... No, i just felt not bad yesterday! My condition wasn't too fit. i was tired, sleepy all day long, not too excited to through the day, and uummm... actually, a lil bit lazy. hahhaa..
So i realize that i don't have to be like that. i must wake up, freshen up myself then GO! The beautiful world is waiting for me. No matter what will happen, but i keep positive thinking to face it. Even when sometimes i forget to grateful with what i've got --> i'm still a human being, Tho'! LoL...
Well... Have a nice weekend people... 
Spread you smile, spread your love, and see what you will get..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

So Much Smooch...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PMS Ruined my Mood

i don't wanna be disturb! i don't wanna anyone to accompany me. And i don't wanna share anything...
But Hey, do i really that one? Why am i so sensitive? it really wasn't me...
But i admit, sometimes i need a time for myself. Where i can fully understand about myself. What i want, what i need, what i like, & what i dislike...
i realize, woman is so very complicated. We never understand them if we don't try to being part of them... Hahahaaha!
So, 'Me Time' is very important to us. Especially when you're in bad mood (i can say that PMS is so sucks, LOL) and you need a space to recovery it. Give yourself a quality time to do whatever you like & you want to do. Trust me, it really works! ^_^

Cerita Singkat di Pagi hari

Morning All...
How's today? is it good? Hmmm.. i hope so!
Well, i just wanna share about a little silly things. Umm, Not too important, but i'd like to write here. LoL! As usual, i want to say, Thank You lord for giving me a good day...
Okay, i'll start to a little silly story!

Once Upon a Time...
There was a Little Girl who lived in the village, she lived on the farm exactly. Living near from the beautiful forest with filled with the trees.  She lived with her Mom & Dad, And her Big Brother, And her Uncle.
One day, The Little girl wants to take care of a horse. She asked to her Dad for having a cute horse. She will give the name of the horse with Lily.
" Dad... may i have a horse? i'm promise i will take care of the horse well "
" Hmmm, Will you? Okay, i will think about it again. i will discuss with uncle, what type of horse that will be good for you" Dad said. He wants to make sure if She can treat the horse well.
The Little Girl hugs him & give a kiss in his cheek, " Thank You Daddy.."

In The Next Morning...
" Hey Little Girl, take a look around in the backyard! What do i have for you? You supposed to be happy.." Daddy said.
" Woooowwww... it's a horse! Yay, Thank You Daddy, Thank You Uncle" The Little Girl run to the horse & caress her. She played with the horse all day long. It seems like, there's nothing interested her except the horse.
But Suddenly...
" Daddy, i want to say honestly. Uumm, actually, i want a white horse. But mine is black. White is cuter than black..." She said.

3 Days later,
" Hey my lovely daughter, Come on, look at the stabling. Me & Uncle have a surprise for you..."
" What's that Daddy,,,," Then She run out of the house.
" Here it is!!!! Now, you have a white horse like what you want.."  Uncle said.
" Where's my Lily?"
" That's Lily! Maybe you can try to call her..."
"Lilyyyy...WooHooo..." She called out of her. And the horse come to her.
The Little Girl wonder, " Dad.. how come Lily become white like this? She's black i think..."
Dad, Uncle, Mom, and Big brother are laughing...
" Yes, she's truly Lily. But yesterday i was discussed with your uncle about the Lily's color. Then, we're agree to change the color. So, I had the idea to paint the entire body with white paint. Hahhaahhaha..."
" Whaaatttt, Oh My God Daddy,,, Uncle.." She's speechless. But at the end of the day, She's so happy for having the dream horse, is White beauty horse...

LoL!!! Have a nice day ^_^

Love our Earth

We lived in this Planet...
The Planet loves us!
She wants us to keep her, and save her, and take care of her well
She does not want us to do something that could damage the environment
So, let's Love our mother earth!

Monday, May 10, 2010

it's almost Dawn

 i just wanna feel this silent night. Just me & this computer. i'm blog walking since at 1 O'Clock and i'm very amazed with everybody out there. i noticed, there's so many inspiring people. They all have a brilliant thought! They're have a very good work in art or taste of fashion, and some of  them are very good for exploring their mind. i like that!
i'm so encourage to make good things. Something good, great, & superb. i have to do something! i have to create something useful to another. You know, what's on my mind when I saw type of people like that? i feel like, I get a motivate to do. To reach my dreams, and make it real. I know, I have an brilliant idea too (LoL) & I want to share to everybody, what was I thinking.
So, just do what you wanna do! As long as it's good, and stay in the right way & you can do it wisely, Go ahead...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Indahnya Bersyukur

Ketika kita baru saja mendapatkan hal baik, rejeki, berita baik, anugerah, dan apalah itu yang bisa membuat kita 'jingkrak-jingkrak' bahagia, kita pasti tak segan-segan untuk mengucap syukur kepada Sang Maha Kuasa.Kita langsung meng-iYA-kan bahwa Tuhan itu sangat baik. Dan kita merasa hidup kita utuh & sempurna.
Tapi, saat kita tertimpa musibah, mendengar berita yang kurang baik, mendapatkan sesuatu yang membuat kita drop & sedih ( bahkan marah ), apa iya kita masih sempat atau bisa bersyukur akan hal itu? Apa iya kita bisa mengambil hikmah atas setiap kejadian secara bijaksana?
Saya akui, orang biasanya bersyukur atas hal yang baik-baik saja. Mungkin saya juga seperti itu. LoL!
Tapi, coba deh kita resapi betul-betul, hal yang kurang baik itu. Kenapa sih kita diberi cobaan? Kenapa sih Tuhan mengambil sesuatu yang berharga dari kita? Kenapaaa...
Well, justru segala macam bentuk yang kurang baik itu, tidak benar-benar buruk buat kita. Dilihat dari segi positifnya, hal itu bisa membuat mental kita kuat, bisa membuat kita selalu berhati-hati dalam bertindak, bisa membuat kita menjadi lebih dewasa, dan membuat kita selalu bersyukur atas apa yang sudah kita miliki. Betapa besar karunia yang diberikan Tuhan untuk kita.
So, always be grateful for whatever you've received. Even it's the bad things, we don't have to forget to say
" Alhamdullilah Ya Rabb for the things You give to me. i know You wouldn't give me a problem, if i couldn't through that. You give me something according to the measuring. it won't exceed from my capacity. So, Thank You, Lord... for giving me a breath, for free "

Saturday, May 8, 2010

That's what i feel...

i Feel so empty, when you're not here
i'm staring at the starry skies when i feel it
To be with you, is all i need
Even when i pretend that i'm OK
i can't lie
i miss you so much...

Nice. Lovely. Great

Don't be Sad!

Some people said, " Life isn't always good like we expect. Sometimes its hard to through & full of risk. But behind all of those, Life will give you soul to breathe.. "

So, open up your heart & let the sunshine in....


What do you think when you see this picture?
i think, we all have the same perception. That Life is great! Life is Big, no matter how hard it is... 
We surely know that everything could be turn in a quick time. Sometimes we can laugh, happy, full of joy, then suddenly sad when we heard a bad news. It all happen just in a sec. But for me, that's what makes life more colorful.
Enjoy the moment is the key to reach the Happiness. Even when we're in bad condition, or something happen to us, but we have to keep struggle.
we must believe that there is wisdom behind a things, moment, problem...
So, just pray, introspection, learning from mistake, and don't repeat our mistake. Just get Happy!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Enjoy my Time...

Ketika saya sedikit meluangkan waktu untuk berpikir, diam, merenung, merasakan, dan menghayati setiap kejadian yang sudah saya lalui, saya sedikit tercengang olehnya. Saya berkata kepada diri saya, " Wow... Sungguh Yang Maha Kuasa memberi begitu banyak kasih sayang dan berkah didalam kesulitan-kesulitan yang saya hadapi. Ia ingin membuat saya kuat. Ia ingin membuat saya lebih 'hidup'. Ia ingin menunjukan kuasaNya bahwa segala sesuatunya mungkin bagiNya. Dan, Ia masih sangat menyayangi saya, dengan cara saya dibuat 'terjaga' agar saya tidak terlalu terlena di dalam dunia ini.
Walaupun sebagai manusia normal, saya masih sangat duniawi. Mengingat usia saya yang masih "Segar-segarnya" LoL! But deep inside my heart, i never stop to grateful. And say ALHAMDULLILAH...All the thing that God give me, it all a learning. God wants me to be strength, Powerful, brave, and never give up. Not a weakness that i (must) get.
So, Thank you to Allah SWT, to always keep me, and save me...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Love doesn't need any words...
Because Love can describe itself
Without a reason, without an excuse, unconditionally
Just feel & through it...
Love is You!